Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Caught red-handed!!!

(Is "red-handed" hyphenated? I'm not sure....)

Okay, on with the post......

Yesterday I was doing some cleaning and Adilynn was wandering around. She's become quite independent lately and since she's walking now she explores every inch of the house. Anyways, I knew she was in the kitchen and she was quiet for a couple of minutes. I peeked around the corner and this is what I found......

She decided she was going to help herself to some Cheerios! She couldn't actually get to them because the bag was folded down but she sure did try! Awhile back Orrin and I bought some of the cabinet lock things but we decided against using them. We decided we were going to teach her to stay out of the cabinets (most of them anyways) instead of locking them. She actually caught on pretty quickly. She's not allowed to get under the sink and in the one with our big pots and pans, but she can get into the tupperware one and a couple of others. We never really addressed the pantry with her but it looks like now we might need to! *note to self: throw away some of those Wal-Mart bags!
Saturday Orrin and I are going to put up our Christmas tree. We figured we might as well go ahead and do it. Why wait till the day after Thanksgiving? We'd rather go shopping.....

Speaking of Orrin- he's seeing the physical therapist twice a week now. The accident messed him up more than he likes to admit! He is unable to work out his upper body at this time, but can work out his legs. It's hard on him because he loves working out and it's a good stress reliever for him. He's in quite a bit of pain so hopefully after all this PT he'll be back to normal. He's a trooper and doesn't complain at all.

I'll leave you with a few more pictures of Adilynn. This was from last weekend. She loves to sit on the couch now and this time she insisted on gathering all her babies and holding them all at once. She seriously sat like this on the couch for a good 20 minutes. She's a good little mommy to her babies.

Oh yeah....I'm reading the book of Job now. It's such a great book! That man went thru the ringer and still blessed the name of the Lord! WOW!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Jessica, we can totally relate. Judah is into everything too!

Those pictures of her are just priceless. So sweet.

I LOVE the book of Job. LOVE IT!!!!

Steph said...

Haha, she's a clever little girl! Those pics are great, I love it.