Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas is coming.......

On Saturday, Orrin and I decided to go ahead and put up our Christmas tree. We usually wait till after Thanksgiving but we didn't want to wait this year! We will be busy this weekend so we knew we wouldn't have time. So we arranged furniture and vacuumed, trying to find the perfect spot for the tree. We (and by "we" I mean "Orrin") kept moving the tree from corner to corner and finally made a decision. Within the first five minutes of getting out the decorations, Adilynn had already broken one of the glass christmas tree balls and was taking out the hooks and trying to put them in her mouth. Hmmm. Not good. So we decided to forego those this year....I could just imagine me being in the next room, her breaking one and slicing open her tiny little finger. So with that being said, our Christmas tree is a little bare this year, but it'll do. We are big on teaching her to leave things alone that she can't play with, but having those ornaments up this year was just too risky. Oh...and she loves the tree. She'll stand and point at it and babble away like she's having some in depth conversation with the tree.

We snapped a few pictures yesterday morning before church of her by the tree. We were already running late to church (we didn't get to church till 8:45 am! yikes!!) so we thought...hey, what's the harm in taking a few minutes for some cute pictures?
And we most defintely will NOT be telling Adilynn that there is a Santa Claus. Why any parent would intentionally deceive their child is beyond me. I grew up without ever believing in one and look how great I turned out. Ha. Anyways- no believing in Santa in this house.
Wow..I can't believe I'm posting about Christmas.....where has the time gone?
Just a side note that I love the fact that I have a husband who does everything he can to make me happy. Friday night I grabbed a pen and paper and excitedly told him "let's make a to-do list for the weekend." He was all about it, and giving serious thought into what we should do. I think all he came up with was vacuuming, but that's GREAT. We ALWAYS need the living room rug and bedrooms vacuumed! He also worked his tail off in our utility room / office! He moved the washer and dryer and vacuumed the floors. He moved our big storage cabinet and vacuumed. He repaired a small hole in the wall and cleaned off his desk. Wow. What a dude. OH....AND he scrubbed the tile floors. He knows that a clean home = a happy wife!! :) I don't function well in a mess and he knows that and helps out to get things done. We've definitely had our moments of ive-done-everything-today-what-have-you-done? But when it comes down to it, we both enjoy a clean and organized home. And he did all of this on Saturday with extreme pain in his right shoulder and neck.
Well, the little miss has just awoken from her beauty sleep. I had Parents As Teachers come again this morning and she said Adilynn is doing great. She has very good eye-hand coordination and problem solving skills!! That's my girl! :)


Heather said...

i wish you were a clean freak when you lived with me. i got tired of picking up your crap.

Jessica said...

lol....hmmm. I don't ever remember you cleaning up after me. I wasn't THAT bad!