Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I can breathe! Praise the Lord!"

First things first.....that title comes from a post in THIS BLOG. Please read the story of Stephanie Vest and say a prayer for her. She is struggling to live and has two young sons and a daughter that was just born in June. Please think of her throughout your day and pray for complete and total healing of her body.

Secondly, I voted today. I am now parked on the couch with a pop tart and a can of coke (healthy, I know) and I keep seeing more and more states turn blue. UGH. I literally vote with ONE main issue in mind, and that's the issue of abortion. Pro-choice, no thank you. Pro-life only please. I can do without talk of taxes, the war in Iraq, the economy, immigration, etc. Not that those things aren't important, because I know they are. They just don't hold a personal belief for me like abortion does.

Speaking of personal convictions, it's with great shame that I say that I have not spent time reading the Bible lately like I should. I know it's not a good excuse, but the days are just so busy that by the time bedtime rolls around, I'm exhausted. I am going to move my Bible reading time around and do it during the day, most likely when Adilynn is snoozing. I so notice a difference in my attitude, my approach towards things and my general outlook on life when I've been skipping out on my Bible reading. Again....shame on me. I don't particularly want to get to heaven and if asked by God why I didn't spend time in His Word like I should.....I don't want to say "well, God, let's see....I was just so busy! There was laundry, and cleaning, and running errands......." I don't think that will hold much weight up there!! So, I will....I must....get back to that.
On a lighter note, we had a Parent / Teacher conference with Christian's teacher tonight. He is advanced in reading and math!! That's so great!! He has done so well this year in 1st grade and he is always reading. Tiffany's is on Thursday and we're confident we'll get a good report from her teacher as well.

Here are a few pictures from Halloween. Adilynn was a flower, Tiffany was a cowgirl and Christian was Iron Man. Suprisingly enough, Adilynn didn't try to remove her head covering thing! And by the way, Adilynn is completely walking now. She hardly crawls at all and her little waddle / walk is the cutest thing ever!! I would talk about how she's going to be a year old in 9 days, but I'll blog about that later! (*sniff*) She's such a little lady.

Well, I'm going to get back to my poptart.
Again, please pray for Stephanie Vest and her family.
I hope everyone is having a great week.


Heather said...

I really hope that a miracle takes place for Stephanie. I obviously don't know her, but check that blog everyday. Such a sad story.

Love the pics.

And ditto on the bible reading. I need to do the same thing!

Teri said...

Oh the pictures...so precious!

Praying for Stephanie...

The state of the nation? It's ALL in God's hands - blue or red...

...and Bible reading...working on it with you sister!