Wednesday, August 13, 2008

9 months ago today....

this little gem came into the world. I can't believe it's been 9 months already. From the moment Orrin and I knew she existed, she was loved and wanted. By the grace of God she survived me having emergency surgery when I was 11 weeks pregnant, and she survived even when it was discovered I was carrying her without any amniotic fluid. The doctors had no idea how long I had been that way and they had no explanation of how it happened, since my water never broke. But God was in control and was holding her in the palm of His hands. I pray every single day that God uses her in a mighty way and is never far from her. I am so thankful God trusted Orrin and I enough to give her to us.....I am always reminded that she still belongs to Him and that it's our responsibility to train her in the ways of God. I am amazed when I look at her and brought to tears when I think of how she blesses me with every smile. How is it that God knew exactly what we needed and wanted?

And Daddy....boy does she love her Daddy. Case and point: she cried this morning when he was leaving for work, crawled to the door and laid down on the floor and just cried and cried. I'm so happy that someday we'll be able to tell her that he was the first man to ever fall in love with her.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I love that last line!