Monday, July 21, 2008

Puffs and books.

So this morning Adilynn was doing her usual thing of pulling everything out of her diaper bag and throwing it on the floor. She came across her yummy cherry flavored puffs. She was shaking the container at first, and I was watching her, thinking she wouldn't be able to get the lid off. Ha, was I wrong. I guess with those 6 teeth (and working on the 7th) she was able to pry it off. So puffs went all over the floor. She just looked at me like "what?" and started helping herself to a morning snack. She is growing up so quickly...I wish I could slow down time. Someone at church last night asked me if we wanted more kids. I said yes, when the time is right. She told me to cherish the time I have with Adilynn now because it's such a special time since she's the only one. She said the time with the others is special as well, but there's nothing like time spent with the first. Of course, me being the over emotional one at times, teared up and thanked her for the advice. She changes all the time and learns more and more everyday. Some of her most recent feats include: giving kisses (big, wet, open mouth, tongue out kisses), hugging her baby doll, clapping, folding her hands to pray, and saying dada and mama. She's also discovered that if she grits her teeth and makes a shrieking noise when she's mad, she gets a reaction out of ol mom and dad. Note to self: nip that in the bud real fast!

Orrin is a wonderful husband. I caught him the other day dancing with Adilynn in her room. It was a very sweet moment. What made it twice as memorable were the red basketball shorts and black dress socks he was sporting. Hubba hubba. He also came home last friday with a gift certificate for a facial and a massage at a local spa. Wow! I have never had a facial before so I am looking forward to it!!!

We are looking forward to seeing Tiffany and Christian. They have been gone at camp all week! Tomorrow Tiffany turns 9! That's so crazy. I met her when she was a little 5 year old girl. Now she's growing into a mature, kind, intelligent and caring young lady! I am so blessed to have them as my stepkids. They are so well behaved and sweet. Aside from the occasional fight over who won checkers, they get along very well.

For all you dog lovers out there....I just finished a book by Mark Levin (radio talkshow host guy) called "Rescuing Sprite: A dog owners journey of love and anguish." Orrin's mom got it for us in memory of Boo and I couldn't put it down. I finished it in 3 days. So for anyone that's ever lost a pet (which is probably quite a few of us), it's a definite must read. Just have a box of tissues nearby.


Teri said...

Eating on her will just be moments before she is driving. Time slips by WAY too fast. Lots of hugs, even when you are too tired - a recipe you will never regret making.

Chrissy said...

Okay, now I'm in tears! Hope you have a great week.

Unknown said...

Look at you! I have never seen your blog before, how lovely! That picture of you and your hubby is so great! And your little one is so sweet.

Hope you are well and having a joyful week :o)

Heather said...

i can't believe tiff is 9. she's grown up so fast!

that's a cute pic of adilynn. seriously, i've been really sad lately at how fast she's growing. it seems like she's just matured so much the last 2 months.